You are Equipped for Service

2 Timothy 1:6-7

"This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

God has gifted all Believers for service. That means you have a gift from God - a talent - that you can use to serve others. We are to use our talents, our time, and our resources to reach a lost world with the love of Jesus Christ, making this world a better place to live in.

Selina Hasting, the Countess of Huntingdon used all that she had at her disposal to spread the message of Jesus Christ to a lost world. During a time when women didn't have many opportunities to publicly serve the Lord, Selina Hastings shines forth as an example of how God can accomplish His work by using a woman who is totally devoted to Himself. While many people have at least some knowledge of the great "Methodist Revival" that took place under the Wesley's and George Whitefield in 18th century England, not many are aware that the fires of revival were spread due, in part, to the diligent efforts and financial backing of this great lady.

Selina not only devoted herself, her time, and her influence to God, but she also gave her incredible fortune to further the Lord's work. Her husband had left his vast fortune in her control and it is estimated that she gave many millions of dollars in her lifetime to furthering the spread of the Gospel. The Countess lived simply and sacrificially, selling her country homes, jewelry, and other trappings of the aristocracy, giving the proceeds of these sales to Christian work. Lady Huntigdon humbly served the Lord by simply touching the lives of those with whom she came in contact with, giving of her time and her resources. Even at her death she thought of the welfare of others, bequeathing her entire estate to support Christian work. She gave herself to her Lord in both life and in death. Her last words were, "My work is done; I have nothing to do but go to my Father".

How about you? Are you using all your time, talents, and resources to make a difference in your sphere of influence? If you are, great! If not, isn't about time you started?

To read more about Selina Hastings visit: